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Moments In The History Of Mankind That Are So Ironic, They’re Funny

A man once drowned in a pool party that was celebrating a year with no drownings at a New Orleans Pool.

It was attended by a 100 lifeguards.

 Gary Kremen, the founder of match.com, lost his girlfriend to a man she met on match.com.

A statue of a homeless Jesus sleeping on a bench was installed in Orlando where the homeless are banned from sleeping on benches. 

Condoms were given out at a Canadian university with notes attached promoting safe sex. These were later recalled because the staples used to fasten the note had punctured the condoms.

Union General John Sedgwick was shot and killed moments after standing from his trench and telling his men to stand because Confederate soldiers 'couldn't hit an elephant at this distance.'

Gunpowder was invented in the 9th century by the Chinese alchemists who were attempting to find an 'elixir of immortality.'

Otto Lilienthal, creator of the flying glider, died after a flight crash.

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