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Wait, So Captain America ISN'T a Virgin After All?

(Warning - the following includes a whole lot of discussion about Captain America's sex life. If that prospect makes you feel icky, the following few hundred words or so may not be for you...)
So, here we are again.
Y'see, a few months ago, Chris 'Captain America' Evans was asked about Cap's sex life, and his response was...controversial:
"It’s funny when you think about it – he’s probably a virgin. [Laughs.] He’s probably a virgin! I don’t know when it would’ve happened."

That revelation that yes, that Marvel Cinematic Universe-headlining Captain America is, as things stand, almost certainly a virgin came as a shock to many, and the resulting debate was furious and prolonged.
For some, the very idea that Cap wouldn't have hooked up with at least one dancing girl post-super-soldier serum seemed ridiculous, while for others, the possible implication that Cap would've ever even considered having sex before marriage was equally absurd. For others still, even the terms of the debate were problematic, with the (unintended) implication that there was anything at all wrong with being a virgin causing a whole lot of anger across the internet.
The ultimate conclusion, however, was that Cap most likely was, as of 2015, still a virgin.

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