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Facebook takes on artificial intelligence seriously : fb ai

Facebook has been working on its artificial projects for a while now.
Recently Mark Zuckerberg share this video on his timeline

I'm inspired by this video about our artificial intelligence research at Facebook.

Our AI can now look at a photo, figure out what's in it and help explain it to you. This is especially helpful if you're blind or can't see the photo.

We see AI as helping computers better understand the world -- so they can be more helpful to people.

We're still early with this technology, and you can already start to imagine how helpful it will be in the future.
video link click here

Facebook wants it to be clear: its pushing the forefront of artificial intelligence research. But with that statement comes a reassurance: these machines are not evil, and they're going to make life better.
In blog post today, Facebook Artificial Intelligence Research (FAIR), the division within the company dedicated to AI, detailed some of its most important achievements of 2015. Some were older and had been previously reported on, like their neural network that can recount plot points in The Lord Of The Rings, and some are new, like a working unsupervised learning model.
The company has made substantial investment in artificial intelligence in the last few years, growing a small department of 45 researchers and engineers based in New York City. Right now, Facebook uses artificial intelligence to automatically tag photos, translate text, and in Facebook M, their personal assistant that is slowly expanding to more users.

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