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Instagram Bans Breastfeeding Pictures… During World Breastfeeding Week

We all love boobs, boobs are everywhere. Men love boobs, babies love boobs, some women love boobs so much that they pay for bigger ones because they just love boobs.
As an avid Instagram user, I sea boobs on a regular basis. I mean, its never a complete kinda full on boob, but there’s enough boob on there to let your imagination do the rest of the work. But boobs are inoffensive, we have all seen a pair, and they’re natural. All women have them, and some men too. So why is it that Instagram have taken it upon themselves to ban a photographers Instagram page because of many a boob.
An Australian photographer was completely shocked when she realised that her Instagram account had been taken down due to her allegedly breaching their terms and conditions.
The well known user, Melissa Jean Wilbraham, is known for her photos celebrating motherhood and birth. They range all across the baby board and many of them are in fact, pictures of breastfeeding.
So when breastfeeding week began, Instagram made the ever so ironic decision to remove the account on the first day of the seven. *slow claps for Instagram*
The MelissaJeanBabies account was shut down. In the aftermath the company received a torrent of abuse from the public, now I suppose when you’ve got 2.4K followers there’s going to be a few out there with a strong and supportive opinion, but the outcry was widespread.
‘It was like being punished for celebrating the miracle of life.’
(Melissa Jean Wilbraham)
After much deliberation, the company decided to restore the page. Out of the abuse came something positive – another 4k followers. It seems that the internet community were throwing their weight behind them.
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‘I’m actually grateful for the haters because without them none of this would have happened’, Melissa said. ‘Having people oppose my work has attracted so much attention.’
She adds: ‘Going forward I’m more passionate about it than ever, I’m definitely not going to allow the negatively to make me conform to what they want.’
Haters gonna hate y’all. 
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After reinstating the account, Instagram apologised to Melissa and said the suspension was a mistake.
‘We allow photos of breastfeeding on Instagram.
‘We looked into what happened here, and this was a pure mistake that we’ve now rectified,’ a spokesperson said.
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Hindsight and back tracking is a wonderful thing, as are boobs, and as is breastfeeding. It shocks me that anybody can and will ever find it offensive as its a normal and completely natural thing to do. You get hungry, you eat.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion and I get that, but for those of you that are about to influx this and her Instagram page with complaints and hateful opinions about how wrong it is, maybe just take into account that the concept of breastfeeding is no stranger than you feeling hungry and having to eat right here, right now.

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