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Life of Pi animal trainer is caught camera 'savagely beating a young Siberian tiger

Michael Hackenberger was caught on undercover video released by PETA repeatedly hitting a tiger with a whip

Hackenberger is the owner of Bowmanville Zoological Park in Ontario and trained the tiger used in Life of Pi
Hackenberger can be seen 'savagely beating a young Siberian tiger up to 20 times on the face and body with a whip'
He later tells a person recording him: 'If we’d been running a videotape of the times I struck this animal… PETA would burn this place to the ground'
'I like hitting [the tiger] in the face. And the paws… being on the rock, when you hit him, it’s like a vice,' Hackenberger also says

Hackenberger came under fire this past August when he called a monkey he was training a 'c**k s****r' during a live TV appearance

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