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Facebook to add “Long Distance” in types of relationship status

Hyderabad. Adding to the growing list of options in the relationship status category in about me section of ones’s Facebook profile, the Facebook has today decided to introduce “Long Distance Committed” option as well to it.
Long Distance relationship status option now available on Facebook
Long distance relationship status option now available on Facebook
Sources from Facebook India point that with increasing number of couples getting hooked to each other through the medium of dating apps, internet, social media etc; the number of such couples is soon catching up with number of single engineers. Most of these profess heir love to each other without even meeting once and like to believe they are committed.
“Not just this, with growing number of youngsters deciding to go abroad, either for pursuing studies, job, onsite etc, or to meet Narendra Modi, this number is only bound to increase,” the source added.
These so called couples do not relate themselves with any of the types mentioned by Facebook in relationship status category, sources claim.
These relationships neither fall in the category of single, engaged, in a relationship, its complicated etc nor are they completely non-existent.
“So in order to clear their confusion and make them express their relationship with clarity to peers on Facebook, we are introducing this variety as well,” Mark Zuckerburg told Faking News.
“It has always been our endeavor to encourage more people to be open about their relationship so that jobless guys browsing through random girls profile are clear about her current status,” he added.

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