5 Things to Remember When Starting Your Own Company and Creating BUZZ for your brand

Today, it seems as though everyone wants be involved with a startup. It’s the thrill of building a company, from an idea discussed over drinks to your first successful launch. To watch your business flourish as customers embrace your product, and to have the ability to take control of your future. The satisfaction of achieving independent wealth through hard work, determination and sacrifice.
It’s the American dream. But there’s a lot that goes into playing this game, and I want to share with others aspiring to change the world through their startups some advice I learned through founding my own company.
- Trust your instincts. Learn to listen to yourself. From day one we are trained to listen and obey others, particularly our elders. Entering a traditional hierarchical work environment only exacerbates and compounds this belief until it has been so ingrained that it becomes habit. You no longer trust your own intuition. But if you want to be a successful founder or CEO, you need to find and obey your inner voice. It won’t steer you wrong.
- Successful execution is a game of inches. Execution is a critical part of any strategy. Ideas, vision and ingenuity are wonderful, but without the ability to take an idea from the whiteboard and turn it into a real, useful product that people actually love, it’s still just an idea. Successful execution is a game of inches. If you want to deliver a superior product, you need to be prepared to push. Especially during those times when you’re exhausted, haven’t eaten or slept properly in days – when every inch of your body is telling you “no,“ you have to keep working.
- You are your own worst enemy. So get out of your own way. Starting a company is like dating; you need to learn to love rejection. We often have a hard time believing in our own success. I always think of a beautiful woman sitting at the bar who you are anxious to meet. You paint a picture of all of the things that will go wrong and can’t happen: She probably has a boyfriend, you're probably not her type, she would never be interested in a guy like you. You waste all of this energy thinking about the things that are not going to happen instead of simply walking over and saying “hi.” When starting a company there are an insurmountable number of bumps in the road – situations we view as obstacles that are really not. These “bumps” can easily be overcome by re-framing the situation and simply getting out of the way of your own success. Remember to drag yourself out of the weeds, take time to see the bigger picture and be sure to celebrate the small wins.
- Heat and pressure make diamonds. As a former investment banker, working long hours, setting the bar high and managing type-A personalities is par for the course. My friends and family have no trouble reminding me that I work too much, am too hard on myself, and need to learn to lighten up. But my response is always the same. I mention diamonds, which are created only with a lot of heat and a lot of pressure. I don’t believe that successful startups are made using soft management techniques coupled with grandiose dreams of success. It’s simply the mundane and repetitive stuff – the things that most people try and avoid: disciple, consistency and routine. You need to build a strong foundation if you want it to withstand the unforeseen challenges ahead. The same things that make an amazing athlete are the ones that make an amazing company.
- Go big or go home. Chairman of NY Angles Brian Cohen – angel investor, mentor and friend – beats this into every one of the founders in his portfolio of investments. Aim for the fences or don’t bother stepping up to the plate. Ben Horowitz drives this philosophy home in one of the greatest management books of all time “The Hard Thing About Hard Things.” Your idea, team, product and execution capabilities need to be at least 10 times better than your competition. If not, the there is no reason for your company to exist. Just fold up the tent go home.
Starting a company is not for the faint of heart. It takes discipline, dedication and a passion to build something amazing. Having closed the door on nearly a 20-year Wall Street career to co-found AllTheRooms, I’ve learned a few things that I wanted to share with others who aspire to build great things.
How Storytelling Can Create More Buzz for Your Brand
it’s not about who you are online, but rather how people can relate to you
and/or your personal brand. In order to create new leads for your business it
is important to recognize that getting on the same level of your audience is a
process of building trust.
can your personal brand connect with fans and followers in an authentic way?
Through creating a brand story that will make them want to spread the word and
make a purchase from your company. A simple tweet or post of content is not
enough to hold people’s attention any more, and with a little effort and
research you can reach out to your community and create loyal brand
media marketing is all about meeting the needs of others, and presenting a
message that is relatable and compelling. There are several ways to attract
followers to your personal brand with a powerful story.
Steps to Building Effective Brand
a visual that shows the personal side of your personal brand starts with a
great storyline and backstory. Use these steps today to create a memorable
Catch their attention right away – Most people will click away from an article
without even reading it first if it doesn’t capture their attention right away.
A video that is both interesting and entertaining will help your story to stand
out and be viewed. This needs to be done in a way that conveys what your
personal brand is about, and can showcase things like a story behind a service,
product, or even an event that your company has learned from.
Show what you have to offer – Much like a film or screenplay your brand can
draw in an audience with a dramatic introduction or setup that includes an
answer to the problem at the end. Relatable characters will also help create an
emotional connection for your viewers.
Include an interest to want more information – Leave your brand’s story open
for a continuation or conversation on social media. This is a good opportunity
to provide special offers, and grow your networks. It’s important not to
actually sell anything to them at this point, as that can be nurtured after
people show interest.
for your personal brand is a great way to connect more with your leads and
customers. Entice your market with creative stories that have verified facts
and information, and that strongly represent your company’s message.
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